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Artwork � Lian Quan Zhen


the survey that never ends

i stole this from heather. it's really long.

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards � Liagiba
[ x ] The story behind your LJ user name � Well, this is actually my DL name. But yeah, I guess I just thought it sounded cool.
[ x ] Are you a lesbian �Errr�not even a little.
[ x ] Where do you live � SW Missouri
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up �Never ever give up.

[ x ] Wallet � A little black leather guy that cost me way too much because it�s a Fossil. I love it, and I love Fossil. Gah�I�m such a girl sometimes.
[ x ] Hairbrush � I have two round brushes, one�s fairly large that I only use when I�ve just washed my hair, the other is smaller and I use it when my hair�s dirty. Yeah, I�m weird.
[ x ] Toothbrush � I have two identical grey Crest toothbrushes. One for the morning, one for night. Again�I�m weird.
[ x ] Jewlery worn daily � The ring my dad gave me for my 14th birthday, a little gold guy with a tiny tiny diamond which I wear on the ring finger of my left hand. Two silver thumb rings that are different variations of Celtic knots. Until Thursday, a silver Celtic knot ring on the ring finger of my right hand, but I got it caught on my bedframe and it nearly tore my finger off and got horribly bent. Yeah�I wasn�t too pleased. I almost always wear a necklace of some description since I�m really self-conscious about the scar on my neck.
[ x ] Pillow cover � One is cream, one is maroon.
[ x ] Blanket � A cream colored suede down-throw.
[ x ] Coffee cup � A 20 oz styrofoam cup, since I always drink coffee at work. I also have an offwhite mug with a palm tree on it that I occasionally use.
[ x ] Sunglasses � I keep friggin losing them. Grrrr!
[ x ] Underwear � Uhhhh�depends on the day.
[ x ] Shoes � I own an obscene number of flip-flops of different variations. Realistically, I usually just wear my black, platform flip-flops. I love shoes with heals, so I have lots of healed-boots and strappy heaed sandals. I have some tennis shoes that I love�New Balance, very comfy. Uhhh�I just have a lot of shoes.
[ x ] Purse � Again, a Fossil that I paid too much for, it�s a green canvas casual purse which I love. I also have a nicer black leather one that I almost never use.
[ x ] Favorite top � Uhhhh�I don�t really have one.
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume � Cool Water for Women, though I don�t usually wear it.
[ x ] CD in stereo right now � Right now I�m not listening to music since my roommate is studying. I think the last thing I listened to was Meteora by Linkin Park.
[ x ] Tattoos � A butterfly on my lower back.
[ x ] Piercings � I have each lobe triple-pierced and the cartilage in my left ear is double-pierced.
[ x ] What you are wearing now � A dark green �Royal Boxing Club� t-shirt from Old Navy, dark blue jeans and my glasses. I look real nice�not.
[ x ] Hair � My hair currently has about 5 different colors in it (see my �Scary Hair Extravaganza� entry for explanation) which create a dirty strawberry blonde color that is surprisingly close to my natural hair color. I have a few layers razored in, and it comes just about to the middle of my back.
[ x ] Makeup �Concealer (when needed) and mascara.

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
[ x ] In my mouth � Nothing
[ x ] In my head � Trying to inspire myself to write more posts at WoTRP.
[ x ] Wishing � I didn�t have to work tomorrow so I could sleep all day.
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now � I�m an introvert who just spent the weekend in a van with 8 other people. I�m pretty happy alone at the moment.
[ x ] Is next to you � Alias Season 3, Friends Season 7, a box of Strawberry Shortcake Band-Aids and some headphones are next to me on the desk. My bed is right next to that.
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies � Braveheart, Sliding Doors, Fiddler on the Roof, Zoolander, Tommy Boy, The Terminal.
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month �Uhhh�all the days I get to sleep in. I don�t really have anything exciting planned for this next month. In a little over a month I turn 21, so that should be kinda cool I guess.
[ x ] The last thing you ate � A bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of � That somehow my brother Matt (who passed away when I was 6) can see me and is ashamed of me.
[ x ] Do you like candles � Love em, but we can�t have them in the dorms. Le sigh.
[ x ] Do you like hot wax � I play with hot wax a lot.
[ x ] Do you like incense � Yup, but I can�t burn much of it or it hurts my head.
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood � It makes me sick to my stomach anymore. When I woke up from my surgery to remove the tumor from my pituitary gland, they had gone in under my lip, so my mouth was full of blood and I swallowed a ton of it. Since then�ugh�just thinking about it makes me queasy. I�m sure you wanted to know that�
[ x ] Do you believe in love - Yeah.
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - Dunno. Probably not.
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - Nope
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven � Yes, though I�m not sure that it will be what most people think of it as being.
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness � Yes. It�s not easy, but it�s essential.
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die � I can�t say that I really care that much.
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy � Myself sometimes, though that�s a pretty cynical answer. I don�t really have one.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be � While I think it would be really cool to have a large cat for a pet, I�d probably just stick with a normal cat.
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up � Pretty sure at one point last semester, I�d been awake for something like 52 hours. I wasn�t a very pleasant person.
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium � Sigh. No, though I�ve been really close.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - Yup
[ x ] What's your favorite coin � I�m a college student, so the quarter of course! Laundry money!
[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to � Rome, Italy. Ancona, Italy. Venice, Italy. La Mirada, California (Biola is the school where I�d possibly like to do my masters work). Boston, Massachusetts.
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods � Hmmmm�cake probably would be something that I could seriously pig out on. Chips and salsa too.
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand � I�m gunna go with Heather on this one�Me
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better � The way people work.
[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time � Uhhh�my brother Matt I guess. But that doesn�t really count. I haven�t seen Liz or Hannah or Missy for a while. I miss them.

[Name] Abigail Lynn DeWelt
[Nickname] Abby. Some people call me DeWelt.
[Screen name] I have lots of them. Adiah, Chrystia and Leandra are probably the most common though. I think my MSN nickname is actually Lanfear. Lol.
[Birthday] November 9, 1983
[Age] 20
[Astrological sign?] Scorpio�which describes me pretty well for the most part.
[Chinese zodiac sign?] I don�t remember actually. I think it�s the Boar.
[Location] My dorm room in Joplin Missouri.
[Sexual Preference] I like men.
[Marital Status] Single
[Religion] Christian
[Eye color] Green
[Height] 5'11�
[Shoe size] 10
[Parents still together?] Yeah.
[Siblings?] One brother who is alive, 26. Matt (the eldest) would be 29.
[Nieces/Nephews?] Sadly no.
[Kids of your own?] Not even remotely.
[Grandkids?] Uh...no.
[Pets?] Two cats (Mickey and Lizzie) and a dog (Jen)
[In school/graduated?] Working towards my Bachelors of Theology.
[Rent, lease, or own your home?] I live in a dorm.
[Have any credit cards?] Yeah, one.
[What do you drive?] 1994 Nissan Maxima

[Color] Green
[Number] 8, 18
[Animal] Black Panther
[Vehicle] Toyota Sequoia
[Flower] A classic rose
[Scent] The smell of spring rain. And Sun Ripened Raspberry from Bath and Body Works.
[Shape] I don�t really have one.
[Drinks] On the record: Water. Off the record: I like Smirnoff Triple Black, though I very very very rarely drink.
[Soda] Dr. Pepper, though I don�t drink it all that often anymore.
[Book] Uhhhh�I really don�t know. Anything by CS Lewis
[Band] Linkin Park
[Song] Depends on the day.

Do you...
[Color your hair] Again, see the entry �Scary Hair Extravaganza�
[Twirl your hair?] On occassion
[Have tattoos?] Yeah, the aforementioned butterfly.
[Piercings?] Pretty sure I already answered this�
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] Haven�t dated for years�
[Cheat on tests/homework?] No.
[Drink/Smoke?] I�ve done both before, but eh�neither are habits, and I don�t know that either experience is worth repeating.
[Like roller coasters?] Not really. I hate the sensation of falling.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] I love to travel. But for right now, this is my home.
[Want more piercings?] Yeah. I�d kinda like to get some more in my right ear. I�d also like to get my nose pierced.
[Like cleaning?] Well�I have this weird psychological thing, where if I feel out of control of life, I go on serious cleaning crusades. Actually�in all honesty�I do kinda like to clean. I just am generally too busy to mess with it.
[Write in cursive or print?] Print, with a hint of cursive. It looks pretty stupid.
[Carry a donor card?] Uhhh�I signed the place on the back of my driver�s license.
[Swear a lot?] Most people who I spend time with find swearing very offensive, so no. While I�ve been known to swear on occasion, even when I�m with people who don�t care, I don�t do it too frequently.
[Own a web cam?] No. I don�t think anyone really wants to see me sitting on my butt in front of my computer.
[Know how to drive?] Yeah
[Diet?] Depends on the day.
[Own a cell phone?] Yup
[Ever get off the computer?] Lol, yeah. There was a time when I never did, but that time has past.
[Hablar Espanol?] Un Pocito.

Have you ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope
[Been in a wreck?] Yeah. The one where my brother died. A few fender-benders since then.
[Been arrested?] No
[Been in a fist fight?] I don�t think wrestling with David when we were kids counts, so no.
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Actually�no
[Stolen anything?] Uhhhh�I�ve been an accomplice to the crime (long story that basically boils down to how silly teenage girls can get when they haven't had much sleep and too much sugar)�but I�ve never actually lifted anything myself.
[Held a gun?] Nope.
[Drank?] Very rarely.
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] Ugh. No. I think that would be a bad bad bad bad feeling. I don�t like feeling out of control.
[Considered a life of crime?] Not really, though I honestly think I have the potential to be a criminal mastermind. Heh.
[Considered being a hooker?] Not so much.
[Cheated on someone?] Nope.
[Been married?] Nope
[Cried over a girl?] Friends, yes.
[Cried over a boy?] Le sigh. Yes. There�s nothing in the world like crying over a boy who broke your heart�
[Lied to someone?] Yeah�
[Been in love?] Yeah.
[Fallen for your best friend?] No
[Made out with JUST a friend?] No.
[Been rejected?] There was definitely a time, in my melodramatic teen years, when I felt that every day of being single was a day of being rejected. However, if you mean like�blatantly, overtly rejected�I can�t say that I�ve put myself out there enough for something like that to happen.
[Been in lust?] Ehh�there are guys that I have definitely thought were hotties, but I don�t think it�s ever been to the point where I was �in lust�.
[Used someone?] Though I�m not proud of it, I�m naturally a pretty manipulative person. I�ve never overtly used a person for my own ends though.
[Been used?] Has anyone not?
[Been kissed?] Yeah
[Experimented with homosexuality?] Eck. No.

[Current mood] Tired. I dunno if that�s really a mood though. Introverted I guess.
[Current music] The sweet sounds of silence�plus the sound of me typing.
[Current taste] Eh?
[Current hair] In a messy half-pony tail half-bun thing. It looks amazing. *insert laughter here*
[Current annoyance] Again, I�m gunna go with Heather on this one. Politics annoy the crap outta me anymore, though also like Heather, I have pretty strong political views.
[Current smell] What? Because of the air-freshener that my roommate and I have, our room smells like one really big sugar cookie, so I guess that.
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Sleeping. I love sleep lots.
[Current windows open] This one, a window to WoTRP, a window to biola.edu (I was looking up the town of La Mirada), and Windows Media Player, though I�m not playing anything.
[Current desktop picture] An awesome picture of the beach taken through a window from webshots.com
[Current book] Someone save me please�I�m still reading Anna Karenina.
[Current CD in CD player] Yeah�I�ve definitely answered this one before.
[Current crush] No one.
[Current favorite celeb] Uhhhh�David Anders who plays Sark on Alias. Because I think he�s hot.
[Current hate] The fact that I�m not asleep.
[Current job] I scan Warranties for Commercial Roofs done by TAMKO Roofing Products Inc. It has to be one of the most boring jobs EVER. But they�re great employers, so I just keep my trap shut and do my job.

The last time
[Last book you read] The last book I finished was The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks (which I wasn�t that impressed with).
[Last movie you saw] X2
[Last thing you had to drink] Aquafina (my favorite water! Yay!)
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Mommy. I�m such a small child�

Do you
[Do drugs?] Aside from Excedrine Migraine and the stuff my Doctor prescribes, nope.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] No
[Play an instrument?] Piano and trumpet, though I haven�t really touched either since High School. I guess if I wanted to be the snob that most vocalists tend to be, I would say that my voice is an instrument and get all huffy about it. But yeah�whatever.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I don�t really care enough to even have an opinion.
[Remember your first love?] Does anyone not?
[Still love him/her?] Yes.
[Read the newspaper?] Nope.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Uhhh�I don�t think I do actually.
[Believe in miracles?] Yes.
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Absolutely
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Yeah�except for hypocrites. Can�t stand them. But the sad thing is�we all are hypocrites at some point�
[Consider love a mistake?] No
[Have a favourite candy?] Junior Mints!!
[Believe in astrology?] No, though I think it�s kinda fun to read about.
[Believe in magic?] I believe in a Spiritual realm with which some people tamper.
[Believe in God?] Absolutely
[Do well in school?] Yes, but there are times that I don�t apply myself.
[Go to or plan to go to college] That�s what I�m doing right now.
[Wear hats?] No
[Hate yourself?] No
[Have an obsession?] I�m a very obsessive person. My obsessions change regularly. Currently, I�d say that I�m obsessed with the shows Alias and Friends.
[Have a secret crush?]Nope
[Do they know yet?] Nope
[Collect anything?] I love spun glass ships. I only have 3, but I�d love to get more.
[Have a best friend] Yup
[Like your handwriting?] Ehhh�it can be OK. In some weird way, I think it fits me.
[Care about looks?] I care about my personal appearance to a certain extent, though I don�t primp or anything like that.

Are you a
[Wuss] No
[Druggy] No
[Daydreamer] Yup
[Freak] Occasionally.
[Dork] Heh�unfortunately
[Bitch/Asshole] Not too often, but when I act that way, I tend to make up for lost time.
[Brat] I try not to be, but I�m sure I am sometimes.
[Sarcastic] I am the Sarcasm Queen.
[Goody-goody] Probably
[Angel] If I want to be
[Devil] More than I like to admit
[Shy] Definitely
[Talkative] With my close friends, yes.
[Adventurous] I try to make myself be
[Joker] Somewhat
[Flirty] Hi, have we met?

<< / >>


im abby. im a junior in college, and im studying theology. i love to have fun and i love to write. you might think my life is interesting, or you might not. who knows?

the moment of truth - 05.01.05
how long can one flight be? - 03.16.05
melancholy girl - 03.09.05
you stupid piece of crap - 02.11.05
what money? - 02.09.05
