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Artwork � Lian Quan Zhen


scary hair extravaganza

due to my extremely unpredictable updating tendancies...i never got the chance to vent in here about my hair.

so i went through a kick in early high school of dying my hair. a lot. there was a period that i wasnt exactly sure of my natural color. i knew it was a golden blondish color, but not much more than that.

well eventually i got sick of having to constantly dye it due to my roots growing out, so i eventually bought a box of color that i thought was in the range of my natural color and just let it grow out.

i have fairly long hair...right now it hangs to just past my shoulder blades, and i want it to grow out a few inches longer. so saying that i eventually got all the fake color out of my hair is no small thing.

well...freshman year of college, i was ready for a change. not a huge change, i didnt want to re-do the whole constantly dying my hair thing, but a change none the less. so i decided to get my hair hightlighted. now i dont trust myself enough to attempt something like this on my own. and if i dont trust myself, then i definately dont trust someone else either unless they are a professional. so i went to a hairdresser and got platinum blonde highlights added to my mane. it wasnt a huge change, but it was there. and it was nice. it looked a bit like this...

so i ventured further into the wide world of hair color. still nothing radical. i found a hairdresser that i really like, and had her put in not one, but two shades of blonde in my hair. a platinum color, like the one i had done before, and a more strawberry blonde, to give my hair a touch of red. it was faint, you could pretty much only see the red cast when i was in the sun, but it was there. i loved it.

however...as is prone to happen once you start messing with your hair color and you're me, i got bored with that. so what did i decide to do?

it was early january, and something about it being winter makes me want darker hair. now understand, my natural hair color changes with the seasons, as does my skin tone. its pretty nifty actually. im a blonde with a nice tan in the summer, and a brunette with a fair complexion in winter. it just happens without any help. all this to say...i was ready to be brunette. it was winter after all! so i decide to be brave, save some money, and get a box of dye. i mean...who knows how many times i used boxed wal-mart dye on my hair in high school, right? and i never had any serious fiascos. except the time i dyed my hair purple. and the time that i dyed my hair a violent shade of red. but clearly...i wasnt thinking of those times when i picked up a box of dye. i mean...what can go wrong with dark brown? seriously!

allow me to show you...

but you cant see my hair very well in that shot...so how about this one?

and in case you missed it in those two, you can definately see it here, in all its glory...

well the responces i got were everything from "ohmygosh abby, i LOVE your hair!!!!!!!" to "well, it's just hair." but either way, it's very disconcerning to walk around and have everyone stare at your head.

im happy to say shortly thereafter i set up an appointment with my hairdresser who was able to return my hair to a quasi-natural color. i had very very dark brown hair for a while, that had a slight purple cast to it in the direct sunlight. im pleased to report that now, two more visits and a heck of a lot of money later, my hair is pretty much back to normal.

so why am i writing about all of this now? eh...i came across those photos on my comp last night and thought someone out there might need a good laugh...

ronald mcdonald, eat your heart out...

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im abby. im a junior in college, and im studying theology. i love to have fun and i love to write. you might think my life is interesting, or you might not. who knows?

the moment of truth - 05.01.05
how long can one flight be? - 03.16.05
melancholy girl - 03.09.05
you stupid piece of crap - 02.11.05
what money? - 02.09.05
