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Artwork � Lian Quan Zhen


politics and hypocrites

i get so sick of christians sometimes. sick of christians and sick of politics. sick of any blending of the two. so basically, im just sick.

it kills me that people can be so one-sided in things. i do believe that the phrase "separation of church and state" is found no where in our original founding documents, but how does that affect how i view the separation of church and state? honestly, i dont know. but...when people start saying "you cant be a christian and vote this way" or "you cant be a christian and vote at all" it just makes me want to punch someone in the face. riddle me this, batman: who died and made you God? since when are you able to judge the sincerity of someone's heart by their stance on the economy?

i think perhaps it's a generational thing. almost everyone my age that ive talked to think that politics should never be discussed from the pulpit. i know my parent's generation disagree, but i think that it borderlines willful ignorance to think that everyone sitting in a church service is going to vote the way the preacher votes. keeping that in mind, what does the preacher accomplish by saying who to vote for? all he does is get everyone riled up...those who agree with him get it placed in their heads that God is a republican, and those who don't agree get the impression that they are not welcome unless they vote the way Jesus would vote...which the preacher says is republican. that. is. so. wrong.

who the crap do we think we are to alienate those who think differently than we do? granted, spiritually...christians are the least tolerant of almost all religious groups in the sense that we "scary fundamentalists" really do believe that only christians have eternal security, but it's absolutely idiotic to deny the value of having people in the church who have a different opinion than you. guess what...i can't reach into certain circles because i'm a republican, so who is going to stand in that gap? i loose all credibility in some peoples eyes when they find out i vote at all...so who is going to take the gospel to them? it just floors me that christians see the value in this line of thinking when it comes to so many different areas of society...but as soon as we cross into the area of politics, you can't love God and be a democrat. ARGH!!!!

i don't agree with democrats. obviously. but some of the best people i know have different political views than me. i would be an absolute moron to cut those people out of my life and say that their souls are lost because they voted for kerry. i dont believe that, not even a little bit. its just...urgh...

people are so freaking judgmental. and what makes me sad, is that i know there are areas in my life where i act just like those people im venting about right now. ::sighs:: i dont want to be a hypocrite. i just want to love people and love jesus. it may sound juvenile, but it's true. and it's so hard sometimes and i mess up so badly...

but my goals for my lifestyle are something for another rambling entry. sorry, i know i wasn't exactly articulate in this post...but yeah. i feel so strongly about all of this, and i almost never talk about it irl. sometimes the cries of your heart are hard to put into words.

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im abby. im a junior in college, and im studying theology. i love to have fun and i love to write. you might think my life is interesting, or you might not. who knows?

the moment of truth - 05.01.05
how long can one flight be? - 03.16.05
melancholy girl - 03.09.05
you stupid piece of crap - 02.11.05
what money? - 02.09.05
